January municipal update - Victoria-by-the-Sea
Happy 2024!
In this edition:
1 - From the Mayor’s Desk
2 - Public Meeting of the Planning Board - NEW Official Plan & Development Bylaw!
3 - Other Upcoming Council & Committee meetings
4 - 75 years of the Victoria Fire Department
5 - PHOTOS - Dunrovin Greenspace Good News!
6 - 211 PEI - “Find Community and Social Resources”
7 - Communities in Bloom
8 - Emergency Management Training Schedule for 2024
1 - From the Mayor’s Desk - 14 January 2024
Happy new year to everyone including those of you who are seasonal residents. I hope everyone had chance to bring the new year in with family and friends. The weather so far has been extremely mild with a few storms that haven’t produced much snow on the ground. Hopefully, it will continue for as long as possible, but somehow, I know we will get a taste of real winter at some point.
Many thanks to Marly Anderson who organized a New Year’s Levee for local folks. From conversations I’ve had, those who attended would like to see it continue as an annual event. As well, the Council passed a motion at its regular January meeting to acknowledge and congratulate the Victoria Volunteer Fire Department for its 75 years of operations. Council thanked the current and former volunteers for their dedicated service.
I just want to take this opportunity to say that the Council is working on getting a replacement for Anna Keenan who will officially be leaving her post at the beginning of March. The final date for submission of applications was January 8th and we are going to be interviewing candidates over the next few weeks. Our plan is to have a new CAO approved at our February 2024 council meeting or earlier if possible.
The focus for Anna over the coming weeks will be the finalization of the Official Plan and Planning Bylaw, the ongoing management of our capital projects and the development of the 2024-25 operating plan and budget. The sustainability of our municipality remains my highest priority and our new CAO will be tasked with providing Council with advice and support to follow up on some of the Council’s direction that has been discussed at recent meetings.
I welcome open conversation and discussion about the issues we face as a community. Your thoughts, ideas, and questions are all valued. Feel free to share your perspectives, ask questions, or engage in friendly conversations. Let’s create a positive and inclusive environment where everyone’s voice is heard. Please tell me or other council members what’s on your mind.
— Martin Ruben, Mayor
2 - Public Meeting of the Planning Board - NEW Official Plan & Development Bylaw!
A Public Meeting will be held at 6 PM on Tuesday, January 23, 2023 at the Victoria Historic Schoolhouse, 730 Victoria Rd, Victoria-by-the-Sea, PEI. The agenda for the meeting can be found here.
The Rural Municipality has undertaken a review of the Official Plan and Bylaw pursuant to section 15.1 of the Planning Act, and intends to adopt a new Official Plan and Zoning & Subdivision Control (Development) Bylaw.
The Official Plan and Bylaw outline policies and regulations for directing and managing land use and development regulations within the Municipality. Changes to land use policies, application processes and land use designations (zoning) will be discussed. The Future Land Use and Zoning maps will be replaced by new maps to reflect the new policies.
All community members, residents and interested parties are invited and welcome to attend this final public meeting and to make representations regarding the proposed Official Plan and Land Use Bylaw. Come share your comments!
Copies of the proposed draft documents are available below, or you can ask for a paper prinout at the municipal office during public opening hours (Monday to Thursday, 9:30am-12:30pm and 1-3:30pm).
Reviewing the draft documents in advance will help community members to provide well-informed and useful commentary.
For those unable to attend, written comments may be submitted in advance to victoriamunicipalitypei@gmail.com, or by mail to 730 Victoria Rd, Victoria PE, C0A 1J0. Comments received in advance will be summarized and presented at the meeting by the Chair. A record of the comments received before or during the public meeting will be kept as part of permanent municipal records.
NEWLY UPDATED drafts for public consultation:
Official Plan DRAFT - 2024.01.14
Development Bylaw DRAFT - 2024.01.14
3 - Other Upcoming Council & Committee meetings
Council - Next meeting is Monday February 12, 2024, at 6:30pm
Planning Board - Following the public meeting described above, the next meeting of the planning board is scheduled for Tuesday January 30, 2024, at 6pm.
Water & Sewer Corporation Board - No meeting is currently scheduled.
As per our Procedural Bylaw, Agendas and packages for meetings will be published on the website 2 days in advance, at www.rmvictoria.com/agendas-and-minutes
4 - 75 years of the Victoria Fire Department!
At the Council meeting on January 9, 2024, Council unanimously passed the following motion:
“WHEREAS the Victoria Volunteer Fire Department celebrated 75 years of operation in 2023, and held an award ceremony in December for this purpose.
BE IT RESOLVED that Council thanks all current and former volunteers with Victoria’s Volunteer Fire Department who have served the community, and congratulates the Fire Department on their significant milestone of 75 years of operation.”
5 - Dunrovin Green Space Good News
Thank you to Ian Denison who sent the following heartwarming photos and information for distribution. A beautiful example of how small, thoughtful efforts to improve a community have impacts that provide benefits for future generations.
“5 years ago, the Community took advantage of a Greening Spaces Program of the provincial Forestry Branch, which provides trees and shrubs, on condition that the Community plant and care for them.
We had a planting day, and many volunteers showed up. Finally, these trees and shrubs have gotten well established.”
Please enjoy the photos!
“A white spruce that was planted 5 years ago in the Greenspace behind the firewall, by resident volunteers.
The wingspan of my hand is 10". From the last whorl of branches to the tip of the leader is thus 24"+. That is this year's growth!
It took our babies a while to get established, but, as you can see, this year they are away to the races. In fact, two spruces on the south side added 32" this year.”
“This Yellow Birch is in the Greenspace, behind the houses on Nelson St.
At 5 years old, what began as an 8" seedling is now 8' tall. :)”
“Here is a white pine, located behind the firewall.
This year it added 22" to it's height.
There are 4 of these, and they have the opportunity to be truly majestic trees as they continue to grow.”
“Here is one of the growth stars from this year, a white spruce on the south side of the Greenspace that added 32" in height in 2023.
The yellowish tint is not ill health, rather the late afternoon sun smiling on the spruce.”
6 - 211 PEI - “Find Community and Social Resources”
The municipality received the following report, and felt it valuable to pass on to all community members. If you are in need of support, but don’t know where to turn, picking up the phone and calling 211 is a great place to start.
“I am writing from United Way of PEI, sharing with you the six month report from our signature service, 211 PEI. This report is for your information and we hope that it provides you with some context of the 211 PEI service and a clear snapshot of issues facing your constituents.
United Way of PEI strives to improve the lives of Islanders through community empowerment. A cornerstone of this mission is the 211 PEI service; a service that threads the island together and offers support for all. It is a navigation service with heart, that connects people to the community, social, health, and government programs.
A little bit of background on 211 PEI:
211 PEI has been supporting Islanders and service providers since June 2020.
Our highly trained, empathetic navigators use compassionate inquiry and take the time to truly listen and have a conversation to get to the bottom of a caller's needs.
211 is free, confidential, and available by phone in 240+ languages.
Can be reached 24/7/365 by dialling 2-1-1 or searching the 211 PEI website, and reached weekdays by texting 211 or emailing help@pe.211.ca.
There is no wrong call. 211 PEI is here when you don't know where to turn.
211 PEI is not only for individuals, but for service providers. … Let 211 PEI be the helping hand supporting you while you support your community. 211 PEI has detailed information on programs related to housing, food, seniors programs, financial assistance, employment, legal services, where to direct complaints, recreation, and the list goes on. “
“I want to thank you so much for taking the time to listen and talk to me - I truly feel heard and helped!" -211 caller
7 - Communities in Bloom
Communities in Bloom is a Canada-wide, citizen-led, community economic development program with a vision to inspire all communities to enhance the quality of life and our environment through people and plants in order to create community pride. Check it out here: https://www.communitiesinbloom.ca/
If you would like to see Victoria take part in this program, and are willing to take on some organizational effort to make it happen, please get in contact with municipal staff. We would be glad to work with you! Contact victoriamunicipalitypei@gmail.com
They have an upcoming webinar to learn more. Details in the image below:
8 - Emergency Management Training Schedule for 2024
PEI’s provincial EMO (Emergency Measures Organization) has published their 2024 training schedule and course registration. See here: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/service/register-for-emergency-management-training
If you are interested in Emergency Management, you can take the initial courses either in-person on scheduled days, or online at your own pace. More advanced courses are delivered in person.
Municipal staff would like to know which community members (outside of active Fire Department volunteers) have had (or are interested in having) Emergency Management Training, to be part of a municipal emergency management team to respond to events like the extended power outages following Hurricane Fiona. If this is you, please contact staff.
That’s all for this month! See past issues at www.RMVictoria.com/newsletters
Questions? Feedback? Info for a future newsletter? Photos you’re willing to share?
Contact Anna & Marsha at victoriamunicipalitypei@gmail.com
Office hours: Mon-Thurs, 9:30-12 & 1-3:30, except holidays and snow days.
Victoria Historic Schoolhouse, 730 Victoria Road, Victoria, PE, C0A 1J0, Canada